Haswell E and Socket 2011-3 Motherboards are out. For any early adopters, know first off that these are not native CPUs yet. We'll have to wait on official kernel support from Apple when the Mac Pro is speed-bumped. Probably later this year or early next.
Haswell E CPUs include the 6 core i7-5820K and i7-5930K, and the 8 core i7-5960K. This necessitates a special workaround for TSC, as described in the following post on x79. 6 and 8 core CPUs need a special kext called VoodooTSCSync by Cosmosis Jones of VoodooProjects.
1. Add VoodooTSCSync.kext (6 core or 8 core) to /Extra/Extensions on the UniBeast stick.
2. Add npci=0x2000 to your /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist under Kernel Flags on the UniBeast stick.
3. Patch the UniBeast USB drive's native kernel in place. Type the following in Terminal:
Assuming your UniBeast USB drive is called "USB" enter the following command:
sudo perl -pi -e 's|\x74\x11\x83\xF8\x3C|\x74\x11\x83\xF8\x3F|g' /Volumes/USB/System/Library/Kernels/kernel
(edit 2014-10-26 w/ single patch)
3. Install as described in the UniBeast Guide
The patched kernel needs to be placed on the fresh installation immediately following install.
4. Reboot using UniBeast USB back to OS X Installer
5. Open Utilities/Terminal
6. Patch the kernel on your new drive as follows. Assuming your installation drive is called "Yosemite" enter the following command:
cp -R /Volumes/USB/System/Library/Kernels/kernel /Volumes/Yosemite/System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Post Installation
8. Run MultiBeast with your system's default spec plus MacPro6,1 system definition
9. Install VoodooTSCSync.kext (6 core or 8 core) using MultiBeast.
10. Add npci=0x2000 to kernel flags in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
Troubleshooting- can't boot from system drive.
Note, if your system can't find the GUID drive at bootup on its own, it's because the manufacturer BIOS doesn't include a fix for Legacy bootloaders such as Chimera. You can continue booting from the UniBeast USB, or clone your drive to an MBR formatted drive. Another solution is to use Clover.
We hope to have fixed BIOSes soon from all manufacturers. Stay tuned.
- EDIT: ASUS X99 users update to BIOS 1004 for Legacy GUID fix. (link)
We did a bit of info on launch day here on the motherboards and CPUs:
Intel's Latest Extreme CPUs Launch - Haswell-E
X99 Motherboards with Socket 2011-3 Now Available
We also did a temporary Mavericks guide for 10.9.4/10.9.5 which can be found here: