Acer V5-527p-6858 Mavericks installation guide

1) Mac OS X Disk partition preparation
Under windows 8, use disk management to shrink hard drive partition C.
Save about 50-100GB for Mac OS X
You might need to run Command "CHKDSK c: /F" before you can really shrink the hard drive

After you shrink the disk in Windows 8, you will see something like this:
There are 5 partitions.
1. Healthy recovery (400mb)
2. Healthy EFI recovery (300mb)
3. Windows C partition (xxx GB --- your decision here)
4. Unused partition of (all the empty space, recommend 50-100GB. But you can make it more)
5. Another healthy recovery partition thats about 12 GB

In Windows 8, create another partition for the unused space (either FAT32 or NTFS, doesn't matter) and name it "MACOSX"

2) Prepare USB installation drive as guided in (link below)
When you prepare this installation USB, remember to select " Laptop support" during UniBeast installation

3) Copy the following files to the USB installation disk
Multibeast (5.5.2)
ProBook Installer 6.1.6.pkg
All these files can be found in
Installation guide for Acer V5-572p-6858

4) Installation
Restart computer and click F2 during computer bootup to enter BIOS mode
Change boot from EFI to legacy
Insert USB installation disk above and restart computer
During restarting, click F12 to select boot from USB disk to start installation with kernel flag "-f dart=0"
During installation, use DISK UTILITY to reformat "MACOSX" partition as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"

5) After installation completed, reboot system with same USB installation drive
Select the just installed 10.9 system on hard drive to boot on
Use kernel flag "-f dart=0" too
Once in the new system, create user account until you see the desktop

6) Modification
Run MultiBeast and select:
UserDSDT or DSDT-free installation
Patched AppleIntelCpuPowerManagement (OS X 10.8.5)
Chimera 2.2.1 r2248
USB 3.0 -Universal (not necessary if you don't want to attach usb2.0 device into the USB3.0 port)
FakeSMC V5.3.820
FakeSMC v5.3.820 Plugins
Power Management Hibernate Mode (Laptop)

Without restart, install from HP Probook Installer (6.1.6):
Kext Wizard
System definitions (i3/i5 ivy bridge, you might change to MacBook air 5.2 later)
SSDT generator

Without restart, edit /Extra/org.Chameleon.Boot.plist, add kernel flag:
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
(Make sure GraphicsEnabler is set to Yes, if not, add it too)

Without restart, install Synaptics trackpad to /S/L/E as guided below

Without restart, install the attached Mieze's RealtekRTL8111.kext for ethernet partial support

Without restart, install the VoodooHDA.kext for audio support

Install RehabMan's ACPIBatteryManager kext to /S/L/E to get battery support and sleep support (Some error message will shown but works)

7) Boot Fix
Now reboot the system again with the USB installation drive to fix the hard drive boot up problem (Guide)
dd if=/Volumes/USB/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h of=/dev/disk0s5 (Important! select your own 10.9, most likely 5)

8) Unplug USB installation drive and boot up into Mac OS X normally

prepare dsdt.aml to include Brightness control
How to create your own DSDT using MaciASL (Guide)

# Brightness control fix
into device label PNLF remove_entry;
into scope label \_SB insert
Device (PNLF)\n
Name (_HID, EisaId ("APP0002"))\n
Name (_CID, "backlight")\n
Name (_UID, 0x0A)\n
Name (_STA, 0x0B)\n

into definitionblock code_regex External\s+\(\\TNOT\) remove_matched;
into_all all code_regex CondRefOf\s+\(\\TNOT\) replaceall_matched begin CondRefOf(TNOT) end;

9) That's all have to do.
If want to boot to Windows 8, change BIOS to EFI boot first, otherwise, leave to Legacy boot for Mac OS X

10) Post installation

-->About the AppleIntelCPUPowermanagement, the patched version of 10.9 (from Multibeast 6.0) works fine too. But personally I prefer the 10.8.5 version. I feel the CPU fan is quieter in the older version. But if you want, you can definitely select the new version

-->The shutdown/reboot time for 10.9 is much longer than 10.8.5, this is a problem of Mavericks itself and isn't related to this guide. To let the shutdown/reboot a bit faster, follow the steps below. You just need to do it once:

Open terminal and type the following lines one by one:

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 1
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ ExitTimeOut -int 1

You will be prompted to enter your password for the first command line.

After you've run all these commands in the Terminal, open up Disk Utility from /Applications/Utilities folder, select your Mavericks partition and run "Repair Disk Permissions". Restart after completion and you will feel the shutdown/reboot better but not perfect

-->The Window arrangement in all Mac OS X is NOT that great for all versions. I like the Aero snap and Aero peek in Windows 7/8 much more. If you missed these functions in windows 7/8 system, you may want to try HyperDock. It is not free I have to mention

11) Not working:

1. Ethernet card recognized by system and was able to assign APIPA address for computer-to-computer connection, but no DHCP IP address assigned, neither automatically nor manually

2) HDMI output video perfect but no audio output. Switch from VoodooHDA to patched AppleHDA might be the only choice. The Layout is 28 as RehabMan said. Hope someone can do it.

Note: This guide was updated based on many peoples testing and suggestions. Thanks all to make it better and better.

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